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Pest insect

Early infestation
  • Small white or yellow spots on leaves
Advanced infestation
  • Wilting of leaves
  • Yellowing of leaves
  • Sticky substance on leaves and stems
  • Black mold on leaves and stems
  • Growth slowdown
Difficulty Medium
Frquency Medium
Reproductive rate Up to 400x
Lifecycle Up to 45 days

Whiteflies are flying pest insects that cause damage to plants by piercing them to feed on their sap. They resemble small white flies and take flight when disturbed.

Host plants

Whitefly infestations affect over five hundred plant species. Poinsettias, hibiscus, and plants from the euphorbia family are among the most affected ornamental varieties. Regarding vegetable plants, greenhouse crops of herbs, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and various cucurbit varieties are particularly targeted.


Pierced leaves may become wilted, yellowed, or spotted with dozens of small white or yellow dots. Honeydew is a sticky, transparent substance that accumulates on leaves and stems. When honeydew is secreted in sufficient quantity, it can cause a form of black mold called sooty mold.

Yellow sticky traps can capture individuals and confirm whitefly infestation.


Although widespread worldwide, whiteflies are tropical insects, and their spread outside this climate always occurs from one indoor culture to another through people, plants, or other contaminated objects. Sachets of Amblyseius swirskii are effective for preventing infestations.


The majority of treatments, including natural predators, are ineffective against adults, which easily escape. However, treating eggs and larvae can eliminate the infestation. Thorough cleaning, foliar insecticide application, and introduction of natural predators are recommended.

Amblyseius swirskii target whitefly eggs and are recommended for prevention as well as treatment. In case of infestation, they will need to be combined with Encarsia formosas or Orius insidiosus, which attack the pupae.


Whiteflies have an elongated yellow body and white wings of nearly 2mm long. Their pupae resemble miniature scale insects.


The larval metamorphosis occurs in a puparium under the leaves. This rigid envelope resembles a small transparent oval disc and measures nearly one millimeter in diameter. Adults can carry plant pathogens.


The whitefly life cycle consists of four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Eggs hatch after about twelve days. Young larvae are initially mobile and practically invisible to the naked eye, then attach to the leaf to undergo metamorphosis.

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